Wednesday, November 28, 2012

30 Days

Seems to be a magic number. Morgan Spurlock made a whole series that places people in new and challenging situations (think homophobe living with a gay couple) for 30 days. One of J's piano teachers just challenged his class to practice every day without fail for 30 days. I like challenges. On December 1 I will start a 30 day challenge of my own. I think it will be multifaceted and have some more and less important parts. What can you try to do for a month? So far I am thinking daily flossing, downward dogs, no yelling at children. Any ideas?


  1. I vote for not yelling at children. is a good challenge.
    in my situation , and not knowing about your decision, I started a very strict diet for.... 30 days.

  2. i like those challenges
    thinking of some of my own/or for you..
    no computer between certain hours every day?
    giving yourself a small treat every day (some little selfish act like buying yourself icecream, or getting your nails done (guess that's more for me than you)
    sitting down to eat with your kids (breakfast or dinner or both)and not trying to do something else at the same time for 30 days? (that's for you, not for me)
    reading every day?
    drinking at least a nalgene of water
    cutting out one food that you believe is not helping you
    going to bed before a certain time
    writing a postcard to a different person every day
    going to a place you have never been to before every day (maybe a different route home, different grocery store etc
    taking one picture a day - writing about it
    not picking your (MY) face for 30 days!
    i like this exercise....

  3. good ones carmenzita !!
    as said before I've cut in MANY foods that are not good for me.
    I'll pick up, from your list, reading.

  4. i will make my declaration tomorrow, Dec 1. Anyone who wants to join me and state their 30 (or 31) day my guest!

  5. so ??
    is already dec 2 and your followers are disoriented, confused and stressed not knowing what to do without your leadership.

    I've taken 30 days of diet and reading. Also will include 30 days of no computer during the sabbath. amen
