Sunday, February 10, 2013


M to me: The job of a child is simple. Don't be rude and obey and your life will be perfect as a child. Right mamá?

J when he heard me comment on how some chickens are treated: Nobody touch that (chicken on the table). You need to follow the golden rule and treat chickens how you want to be treated!

V to me: I go "a-wah-go"
Me: Qué?
V: I go "a-wah-go" (repeat back and forth three times)
V: Downstairs! I go downstairs!'
Me: Abajo!

V & A on the phone with their great grandmother...
Me: Dónde está la abuela I?
V: Aquí. En el teléfono.

V with M's backpack on: Bye. See you tomorrow.