Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Batch o' Banter

When I was frustrated with J about piano practice: I am sorry, I am just a kid.

During a conversation at the pediatrician, she looked at me and asked: How old were you when you got your period?
M: I have not gotten it yet.

V likes to rub his ears, chin, or nose with F's as a goodbye. Yesterday morning: How about a tongue kiss?

When I asked V where my baby went, matter of fact while he played: I am done. I grew. I can walk now. I am not a baby.

I told V that we were going to Philly but that it was a surprise (mistake to think he could keep that). When he blurted out to MoJo that we were going I told him we were not. V: You tricked me?
When we got to Philly he asked me: You tricked me two times?

I love that they are all so little that even as we pulled up to tía C's house in Philly they still believed my cover story of where we were going. When V got out of the car he started tiptoeing, like a cartoon with this finger by his lips... up the wrong porch steps!

J declared that he was marrying both dogs in Philly: So I am half gay and half married now (one dog is female and one male). He also told me that he touched tongues with Buster but that it was okay because they were married (YUCK).

V looking at a picture of M as a toddler: Where was I? CaliFONia?

he says: BROKElyn, baseMANT, REmont and CaliFONia. I love these more than the original words- will never correct him!

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