Monday, October 12, 2015

V The Realist

F: I am going to miss you! Are you going to miss me?
V: Yes. But also, I am little bit happy because I am going to sleep in your bed. In your spot.

V, after A spelled her name for someone: My name is L-O-V (he signs in to school with a V, writing his name is an elusive task).

V to F: I need the wire for my (fake) laptop. You can find it at Chuck E. Cheese or at

V: I do not need to learn to read in pre-school. I can go to ABC dot com.


  1. what are you going to do with the title of the blog ?? lol
    5,4,3 ? super mamma ?
    congrats !!!

    berry proud

  2. how does he know dot com? very funny

  3. how does he know dot com? very funny
