V on his loose tooth: I need cotton. I'm taking this puppy out. I'm going full force.
V on me getting him a shirt to wear: Can it not be handsome? Can you get me a cool shirt?
V getting off the train at our usual stop in the morning: Where are we going again?
A, unhappy with her hair: It looks like I came from a tiger!
A with her handmade paper make up as she proposed a makeover for me: I am going to fix your face mamá. And your hair.
V on the street: In real life I am running and farting and running and farting.
V on baby F: I love him more than the moon can rise.
A on baby F: I want to squeeze him so hard his eyeballs pop out.
V on his camouflage new (used) boots: I can use these to hide if there is a tiger. My feet will be camouflaged and I can pretend to be a sculpture.
V: I wish I was a leaf so I could die and come back.
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