Saturday, July 14, 2012

Fire Island Hiatus

Whoa, 11 days without posting. That has never happened. I have not been feeling very bloggy as of late. I was also busy chasing children in Fire Island, and then there is the detail that I could not figure out how the hell to access my blog on the I-pad. We spent the last seven days in Ocean Bay Park (OBP) with mucha famiglia. All in all, everyone was fun and funny and many good times were had. Thank you to tía D for coming out. Some highlights include...

1. M learned how to ride a bike
2. AleVit ate dog food and liked it
3. J corrupted his grandparents (MIA and Italia, he already has NYC in his pocket) so that he gets them to do what he wants
4. AleVit continued to show how different they are with their reactions to the beach (V mostly horror at the sand, water etc and A sheer delight at the messiness and danger of it all- she is fearless!)
5. I learned that A can snap
6. We all learned that there are way too many cheesy people, sick deer, ugly tattoos in OBP
7. Chloe (her name is ok as she is canine in nature) is the most patient dog on earth
8. Outdoor showers rule
9. My children have many very nice & patient aunts/uncles
10. There is not much relaxing when four children are involved
11. Tía C can grill yo!
12. Kids can run free in FI

Hope to back soon at the same Bat time, same Bat channel.


  1. thanks for the grilling props, sorry your kids ate my dog's food, glad that you and the dog got to bond a little, so fun to hang with your kids on the beach. looking forward to doing it again. and more scattergories/boggle/taboo!

  2. Watch out Snooki, here we come!

  3. great times !!
    let's do it again, soon.
    what is OCP ?

  4. it says in the post yo- Ocean Bay Park

  5. lol !! yo to me ?
    how does Ocean Bay Park mute into OCP ? yo
    tohalla, tohalla !!
