Friday, August 17, 2012

Holy Bat!

I mean crap. We have been hearing a squeaking nagging noise on and off every night since we got here My first thought was that it was bats in the wall. But I wanted to think maybe baby birds? Every night has been an awful's night sleep. One night it was the animal noises (think howling monkeys, roosters who crow at 4am wtf?, baby birds?), another V whining all night because A was kicking him (they are sleeping in the equivalent to you sleeping in a Fresh Direct box, with your brother), another the sagging bed, another J coming into our room, another A crying like crazy having some sort of reaction to her many infected bug bites.. you get the picture. Anyway, all those nights were heaven compared to last night. F got really interested in the possibility of the noise being baby bats. He had regularly been shining his Iphone in the direction of the noise during the night, read about Costa Rican bats during the day. He got, a la F, kind of obsessed. When we went to bed I asked him to give me a break, that I was going to have nightmares about it. Oh, no need to dream, he woke up me up as a crazy bat (hence the expression bat shit crazy) charged the net over our bed. I lost my shit. If there is one thing that I DETEST, it is rodents. Add flying to rodents and I break down. In the middle of the night we dragged the pack and play with AleVit out and all four of us moved into the other room. This is why I come on vacation. To sleep, with six other people in a room with only three beds. I tried to sleep with J, on the bottom bunk. He decided to badger me (with words and fists) for "ice cold water." I told him there was no damn ice cold water but he was relentless. At about 2am when I had just fallen asleep, I heard a thump. It was either F or M that had fallen off  a bed. Thankfully it was not F (he was on the top bunk and would have been possibly dead, with both babies definitely dead under him), but M. She fell out of her bed like a sack of potatoes and did not even wake up. Suffice it to say, it was another sleepless night in Puerto Viejo. Is there such a thing as too much nature? Yes, there is. I am saturated, all done. This NYC gal is happy to hit the zoo if I miss nature any time in the next few months. I am ready to leave the bats and all of the other flora and fauna behind!


  1. lol ! sorry but is also funny besides your desperation.
    i'm terrorized by bats. you must have heard the story of a bat coming into our apartment and me locking myself in the bathroom and having your mother fighting the disgusting beasts !!
    we'll back to civilization. not a chance of baby birds singnig nor mankeys doing whatever their noise is called, in the middle of harlem

    love u all

  2. That definitely beats the ants from our visit! Yikes!
