Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Mini Thems

A grabbed J's drumsticks and was actually playing with some rhythm against the pillow and then hitting the sticks together. J commented "pretty good for a little kid." Another drummer? She then proceeded to whack him with the sticks- that violence is all her.

V NEVER stops talking and now he is bossy too! He was yelling at A who was playing with a dirty sponge, "no en el pelo. no en la boca" What a little bossy pants.

It is actually very cute that I catch them have "conversations' sometimes- spontaneous back and forths mostly about "mi toonoh" (my turn).

PS V just pooped on the floor and told me. I swooped him up and while putting a diaper on him noticed that he had already slipped in it and that his foot, and subsequently my clean bed, were covered in shit. Lovely. "No caca en piso" he diligently agreed with me.

PPS They call toothpaste "pasta" (it is also called pasta de dientes) and as V asked me for more I wondered what he must think having his toothpaste and favorite food share a moniker. As if he could read my thoughts, he said "más pasta for tooth."

cac clip

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