Monday, December 31, 2012

Today's Lines

Me: Dejate de joder.
M: Yeah, stop joderering.
When I picked up a baby item at a store. J: Who is that for?
Me: Guess.
J: Our babies?
Me: We do not have babies, we have toddlers. Someone else in our family.
J: Did you forget our babies? A and V?
Me: Yes, I know them but this is for a new baby that is not born yet.
J: Ms M? (60 year old piano teacher)
J: Oh, her name starts with a K! Or a C. I know who.
(thank goodness).
J: I want a new family.
Me; Ok, go to CVS, they are on sale there.
M: You are hurting everyone's feelings.
J: The babies do not understand.
M: Someone could be recording this and they will see it when they are older. You never know.
J while watching Albero degli Zoccali: But there are no poor people like that in real life right?
Me: There are people much poorer than that in most of the world.
J: Now? I want to give them my money (goes to piggy bank and takes out a third)
J: I feel happy and sad. Sad that I am losing my money but happy that I am giving to people that need it. But I want to give it to people in another country.
Me: Haiti? Somewhere in Africa? Nicaragua?
J: Nicaragua. Because I do not know what that is. I know that M did Haiti and I want to do a different country.

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