Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Goodbye 37! Hello 37!

Yay! I am only 37. My savvy math skills made me think 1975-2012 is 37 years and I have been convinced that I was already 37, turning 38. How nice to still only be 37. How nice to eat a 900 calorie almond croissant a colleague brought me. How very nice to have F make me breakfast and get me a very funny card (will show to those who care to see). How great to be healthy. To have a job. A mother who brought me flowers to work before I got here. Parents who call and write before 9am (so I know they remembered right away- late night birthday calls are disappointing to me). Friends and family abroad who emailed me while I slept. How nice. Now if A's fever went away, it would be perfect! Off to teach. Thank you Sam I am. For all that I have.


  1. man you're tough!
    late night birthday calls are better than no-niht birthday calls!
    what about highschool boys singing happy birthday to you in broken spanish?

  2. Pense lo mismo, tal vez pensaron en vos todo el dia y no tuvieron tiempo hasta la noche para llamar...

  3. eso mismo me paso a mi.
    te mande un e-mail bien temprano y deje un mensajito en tu post anterior, sin embargo estuve todo el dia pensando que tambien tenia que llamarte y decirte algo "personalmente'.
    recien pucde hacerlo a las 7 de la tarde y no te encontre. sorry.
    I hope my early attempts cover for the disappointment.
    feliz cumple hijita de mi corazon !!
