Monday, December 10, 2012

Water Agua Everywhere

This was the theme yesterday. MoJo competed in their first swim race (so fun!) and did really well. Washer broken at come and it was RAINING in our living room. Literally. I was standing holding a bucket and a tupper ware watching it rain into various other containers, while F fiddled with the washer cursing like a madman (AleVit cried like maniacs in the meantime, from their cribs, for added effect). When I saw the light fixture full of water and dripping (lights on), I knew we were fucked. We are sort of fucked as I now have no washer, more damage in the apartment etc etc but I do not even care that much. We have each other, a place to live and we have our health. You cannot beat that.


  1. So sorry about the washer and the rain. How frustrating! But it's awesome that you are looking at the positive of it all right now. The other way of looking at things can just drive a person crazy. xo
