Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Toddlers on Trikes

I was going to write "babies on bikes" but then realizes the inaccuracies. We got hand me down plastic tricycles this weekend (because we are always searching for clunky and bulky things to fill up our extra space) from friends with five year old twins. They also brought some clothing, amongst which were two fleece hats with ear flaps that are kind of small for my (very) large headed guys. AleVit associates these hats with the trikes and wear them like helmets. One cannot go without the other. They are hilarious on their bikes, crashing into each other and actually learning how to pedal. When I suggested we show the bikes to our 4 year old neighbor whom they are obsessed with A threw the vehicle over her shoulder to run out the door. I wish I had a picture of them in onesies, barefoot with fleece hats banging on the door. "Simey (not his name but their version of it)! Where ahr you? We have bikes!" He never opened the door but A kept banging her fist. I was standing in our doorway listening to M practice piano. I turned my head into our apartment and when I looked back out V had called the elevator and was pushing his trike in. WTF? Always ready to escape. I look forward to warmer weather when they can really ride in the park!


  1. i dream about these trike riders a lot
    looking forward to finally seeing them again this weekend!

  2. life is funny>
    I spent all day thinking of buying those trikes or little bikes with training wheels for vitale and skates for mojo so they can ride in the streets of bay harbor when they come.
    what do you think boquita ?

  3. that is sweet but maybe expensive? also, mojo has not idea how to skate. and we would have to buy or borrow 4 helmets too! sounds complicated:)

  4. borrow helmets, and try it! sounds funnnn
