Monday, January 21, 2013

AleVit/MoJo Update

These kids are up to so many new things every week that it is hard to remember what I wrote about and what escapes me.  The member of my quartet who is most rapidly changing right now is A. She is talking up a storm and recognizing letters. L taught her a few letters in a book and she can identify a few of them and say whose name they stand for. I was semi-impressed but wondered if she could recognize these letters (A, V, M, P) in another context. To my surprise, she can! It is quite astonishing. I taught her "C for Carne (what they call tía C) and E for "Lee-I." When I showed L that she could recognize a C, A asked me to write an E as well. What an interesting twist in their development. A, the less vocal gal, is an early letter lady! A's other new thing is pockets. She always wants her hands in her pockets. Today she put her jacket on so she could have her hands in her pockets as she walked around the apartment in her onesie. "Hands in my pockets" is her current tagline.
V continues to boss everyone around and make constant announcements. We were at lunch yesterday and he said "I have to go to the bathroom" over and over again with attitude. He did not like my advise to just go in his diaper:)
J has had some attitude adjustment needs. He asked me how to spell "boo-yah!"- which he wanted to write on his homework. He also said "in your face" to me. When he finally got how disappointed I was in him he asked me to "fruitcake" it for the first time in his life. He is currently asleep in my bed. I am hosting a flurry of MoJo sleepovers this week as a special treat while F is away. When I threatened him with a consequence about something today, he quipped "You can't punish me. I'm the chosen one." As we froze our butts off walking M to piano class, J, on his scooter, said: "We could tie a rope from my scooter to the stroller so I could pull them instead of you pushing."
When I asled M if A was sleeping in the stroller today, she said: "She looks like she just had surgery."
The highlight of the weekend was my first solo outing with AleVit sans stroller. We walked to Central Park and they loved it. A thinks that she does not have to old my hand or let me hold her hood or let me carry her across the street, so we had a few confrontations about that. While in the park, she asked V to hold her hand. If only I had caught that on film. Right after they walked hand in hand for a few seconds they stopped and started spontaneously hugging each other cheek to cheek. Too damn cute. That I did capture on film. Off to watch more Oscar nominated films and to bed. This week is going to be a full one.

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