V upon seeing a big plate of fruit and cookies: Absolutely awesome man!
V to me: Because you are a big one and I am a little one.
V: Am I still growing?
Me: Yes!
V: Why so slowly?
J, getting home: I need to play; I really need to catch up!
J at a toy store: I want to have the kid spirit and I grown up body so I can buy lots of toys when I am an adult.
Me when I complained to V about sharing a bed with him: I am not kicking you; I am hugging you with my feet.
V on the phone with his father in Haiti: Did you have a good trip? Did you bring kids? (while I am not sure what he was talking about I love that he was asking a polite question and had a notion of why his father was away)
Me: Are you digging for gold?
V: No, boogers.
V: If you eat boogers do you get old?
V: You can't see inside my brain!
erk hugs me with his feet every night in his diagonal sleep position