Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Today's Banter

M to Me- I do not think there is such thing as babies misbehaving.

J as we "read" his Curious George dictionary: Fart and female start with F, (at a picture of a bus): busted bus

M about a Narnia (confirmation) class: You need to be Russian to be in that class.
Me- No, you need to be Catholic.
M- I know, my teacher told me you need to be Russian Catholic.

J to his teacher asking him to identify a 10: A one and a zero
Teacher: Good, do you know what that is called?
J (irritated): Yeah, a one and a zero, that is what it is called.


  1. HA!!!!!!! Love these! SO sweet and so much 'tude!

  2. that IS what it's called. whats wrong with that teacher?

  3. the right answer should have been: a one and a zero, are you deaf ?
