Friday, November 4, 2011

Marathon Countdown

in 48 hours I will be hauling ass in Brooklyn. I will have survived the night and morning leading up to the marathon (V woke up at 4:40 and A at 5:30- earlier and earlier) and I will be anxiously looking for familiar faces in the crowds. I do not know if I will walk/crawl the whole race with my mother or jog/walk on my own. I do not know if anybody will be at the finish line, at that point most people will be having dinner after all. I do know that I am lucky as hell to have a coveted spot in the race, to have raised almost 3K for Team For Kids (THANK YOU to all of you who donated any amount), to have full use of my body (4 babies and two back surgeries in 7 years could have taken its toll), and to have both the emotional and physical support of so many friends and family. I could not do it without you. NYC, here I come. I love you NYC Marathon. Let's do it!
PS Is it bad that my big toe is almost sticking out of my sneakers? WTF? I have the same problem with all of my socks.. big toe breaks out. Oh well, a little late to break a new pair in.