Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Recent MoJo Lines

Me to M: Can you stop playing with money? It is dirty.
M: Why don't you wash it? At least the coins you could wash.
Me to J (for S week): Who has an S name in our family?
After many clues he names abuela.
J: That is not her name though. It is Abuela S so that does not count.
M to F: Why do people steal?
F: Because they do not want to work, they want to get money an easier way.
M: Crime is a job. Being a robber is a lot of work.
M to J as V ran towards the Harlem Meer (body of water near our house): I would jump in to get him. I would risk my life for him.
J: Me too.
Me: You do not know how to swim.


  1. that last one almost made me choke on a cookie from laughing so hard

  2. being a robber is a lot of work.
    right on the money.
    and also a very risky kind of work.
    the politically correct answer: because they need more education to learn that working is easier and funnier than stealing.

    and j is right: abuela s is not an S name, seide roli, is
