Sunday, April 29, 2012

Recent Comments

J: You said you are not my butler anymore.
M: I can't quit. Remember?
M: My favorite person is C and my favorite man is papá.
Me: That's nice
M: You are my favorite adult (nice try).

After M said that J was her favorite kid, J: Oh, really? You hardly be nice to me.
After nobody returned our calls inviting them to the park and/or movies, J: Grown ups have manners but they do not use them.
M on her notebook with spy information: I have lots of books of agents but this one is particular to this specific mission to find this spy.


  1. am i c?!! or is it someone else?
    i thought abuela was her favorite...

    j is so smart..

  2. So did I. Yes you are. I guess I can get in line!

  3. I'm beginning to believe that these lines are scripted by seinfeld and are not real quotes !!
    they are so funny and witty, rofl !!!
