Thursday, March 22, 2012

Fun Night!

Last night we went out to dinner at Mermaid Inn and I almost died eating oysters for the first time. They were flat out the most disgusting "thing" I ever put in my mouth. After the first one, which tasted like sea sewage, I almost vomited. We had three different kinds of oysters so I womaned up and tried the second one. Not as garbage-like. Went for number three and it was just as revolting as number one. Who the hell eats these slime ass tasting creatures for fun? We left the restaurant to head over to the MOMA for the New Directors New Films opening reception. Before I tell you about that wild experience, I have a funny bit about F. Mr serious pants, easily embarrassed was peeing in his pants on our way to the party. I suggested we enter a random hotel lobby with conviction (if you look like you know what you are doing you can get away with a lot) and go to the bathroom. Men's room locked. Women's unlocked. I ran in and F ran in after me. It was a good thing that I was over a toilet because I was laughing so hard. I looked at F's feet and suggested he at least turn to pee in a more womanly fashion. He ran out, sprayed some water on his hands and we could not stop laughing. The MOMA reception was amazing. Great DJ (but no dancing), the whole lobby and garden were set up with bars, delicious food, beautiful people this is how the other half lives. Nice to actually get out and see more NY!


  1. They are nice, lightly cooked and disguised with seasonings, some kind of sauce and parmesan. Funny story about the women's bathroom, I will make sure to bring it up next time I see you and F ;)

  2. sounded like an awesome time - gross oysters and all
