Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lines From Mystic

J when we said we were going out (as opposed to staying in the hotel room): It is my vacation too!
M: What is soul-citing (soliciting)?
J, after F picked up and rehung an American flag that had fallen: Papi is a hero.
M to Me: Was abuela S as nice to you as she is to me? (No, if you are wondering..)
After I explained that not all grandmothers are that nice: I bet that is very unpleasant for the child.
M: Does all of Europe come with jetlag?
Me to J: Isn't this museum cool?
J: Not that cool.
When we tried to explain the Native American massacre (in not so extreme but still realistic terms) to M. she in turn synthesized it for J: So, not us, but abuela I's great great great grandmother, killed the Native Americans. (Irene qué?)


  1. Hey !!

    NO entries since Sunday ?
    What about the expectations of your followers ?
    eh ?

  2. All of California comes with jetlag. She's on to something.
