Sunday, March 11, 2012

Today's Comments

M: You can come in all of my spy books because you are the master of the program.
Me: Great. How did I get this treat?
M: Because you are the oldest of all of the spys.

M to me: How did you get to be such an expert on children?
M on the supermarket by us: I think it is still kind of junky like everything in Manhattan Harlem.
Today we went to go see the space for tía C's wedding party with the kids. I could tell J was confused.
When a maintenance worker walked in J said: We are having a marriage.
Later on the phone he told F (who is in Chicago): You missed C's wedding!
I asked him how he could think us standing around the gym was the party.
He shrugged and said: I thought they did the kissing and dancing part after we left.

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