Saturday, September 24, 2011


Is the time A started crying, followed by V. The night before it was 3:45 and the one before 2:45. What the  hell is going on here? I am trying to do everything right (light intervention, check that they are not wet, no fever etc) but everything comes out wrong and there are lots of pacifiers flying. Looks like a binky cemetery under their bed. I refuse to accept anything before 5am as a wake up time. Unfortunately, once they are up, it goes on and on and I never go back to sleep, so I am not sure what the hell I am gaining by doing this. 4:51 am now. I should not take either out until they go back to sleep for at least a while. But I would love to knock them out with some milk. The one cool, read insane, thing about this is how as soon as one stops the other starts, interspersed with cacophonous synchronicity, followed by artificially reassuring periods (10 seconds to 3 minutes) of silence, where I believe that there will be sleep. Ay ay ay.
Silence from A. V is crying. A is at it again. Okay, you get the picture, I get the concert.


  1. sorry daleboca. i am hoping for good baby-sleep from now on

  2. We should start a late night g chat. I used to be able to go back to sleep but now I can't. Just stay awake and remain tired all day. Sorry for the late nights. I puked and I still think you had it worse.
