Monday, September 26, 2011

Shitty Comedy

After my muggy, sweaty, sticky walk to BT, I flew down 99 St to get to Broadway. I slipped (but did not fall) cartoon style and was sure that I had stepped on a banana peel. Nope. A big, wet , pile of shit. Oh, how I would love to make that dog owner eat shit. I was revolted but thankful that it did not get on my pants (almost). I dragged my foot to work, stepping in as many puddles as possible but alas, my keens have lots of grooves in them and they were, like most people, full of shit. F had dropped MoJo off as I did AleVit and he was for once, not rushing, because he has a mid pm flight and planned to work from home, I got to my carpeted classroom and decided I had to take the sandal off. I bumped into F and told him he had to help me with my crappy shoe. I limped half shod to make copies while F took various tools and liquids with him to the bathroom. Five minutes later I had a spotless sandal and a smile. True love and dedication. Would you clean dog shit out of thin grooves on someone else's shoes?

1 comment:

  1. i have cleaned vomit out of the grooves of the hall closet at 94th street :)
    and out of a sink in milan
    i dont think i have had the pleasure of providing that service to you though :)
